Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Prenatal Teaching Plan Research Paper - 1375 Words
Prenatal Teaching Plan (Research Paper Sample) Content: Prenatal Teaching PlanNameInstitutionA description of the clients stage of growth and development using one developmental theoryThe client is a teenager. According to Ericksonà ¢Ã¢â ¬s psychosocial stages of development, this client is in the adolescentà ¢Ã¢â ¬s stage. The basic conflict in this stage is identity vs. role confusion. This means that during this stage, the adolescent is trying to determine her identity and direction in life. The adolescent may either gain a sense of identity or remain confused about her roles in life depending on the reinforcements given (Shaffer Kipp, 2010). During this stage of development, the adolescent is freshly concerned with how she appears to others and this may affect her behaviors.Being an adolescent also means that the client is constantly confronted by the need to set boundaries for herself and to accomplish this in the face of a regular world that is hostile. This may prove to be challenging since she may find herself being asked to commit to some things before she develops any particular identity roles. Thus, she may be described to be in a state of identity confusion. However, society normally provides allowances for people at this age to find themselves and this state is referred to as moratorium. The role of confusion in the client is depicted with the reluctance to commit as this may haunt her in future years. Erickson believes that given the right conditions, moratorium gives the teenager enough space and time to freely experiment and explore and eventually have a firm sense of identity, an emotional and deep awareness of who she is (Newman Newman, 2012).Information in the case study that would impact the clientà ¢Ã¢â ¬s readiness to learnFrom the case study, the clientà ¢Ã¢â ¬s developmental stage would definitely affect her readiness to learn. Young adults have limited past experiences compared to older adults. Therefore, older adults would be more willing to learn si nce they are able to relate with previous knowledge. The client, being a teenager may be disinterested in learning since she may have nothing to relate to. The emotional health of the patient would also affect her readiness to learn. The patient broke up with her boyfriend and she may be under stress as now she is tasked with the responsibility of taking care of their baby on her own. Thus, she will probably be more willing to learn so as to get help on how to take care of this baby alone. The education level of the client is also important. The client is in grade 11 meaning that she has some intellectual ability and hence can learn. Perception is also noted. The client expresses disgust at the mention of breastfeeding. This will likely affect her readiness to learn about the issue of breastfeeding.Two priority health education needs that address the clientà ¢Ã¢â ¬s cognitive domainOne of the priority health education need for this client is providing her with knowledge and information about breastfeeding. Probably, the client lacks knowledge about breastfeeding and that is why she expresses disgust when it is mentioned. The information provided to her will go a long way in enabling her to learn about the importance of breastfeeding to her as a mother and her child. The other priority health education need for this client is to provide her with information about pregnancy in general and how to take care of herself. The client is a teenager and this being her first pregnancy; she needs to be prepared with such kind of information.Two priority health education needs that address the clientà ¢Ã¢â ¬s affective domainOne of the priority health education need for the client is to counsel her on overcoming the heartbreak she is going through. This heartbreak can clearly affect her emotional status and expose her to the risk of depression (Nevid, 2013). Addressing this issue through counseling will hence go a long way in helping improve her emotio nal status. Another priority health education need is attitude change. This education will aim at influencing the client to change the negative attitude she has towards breast feeding and thus, enable her to accept that breast feeding is part and parcel of raising a healthy baby.Appropriate educational content that would address which health education needs to teach with evidence from the literatureThe education content to be taught to this client is determined by objectives of the education. As discussed earlier in the paper, one of the health education needs for this patient is breastfeeding. One of the objectives of teaching on breastfeeding is to educate the client on benefits of breastfeeding to the baby. This means that the nurse must include content about the essential nutrients that breastfeeding provides the baby. The content can thus include a list of nutrients that the baby gets from breast milk and how these nutrients help in proper growth and development of the ba by. The nurse must also include content about the immunological effect that breastfeeding has on the baby. For instance, the nurse will mention colostrum and the various antibodies it provides the baby to fight against infections (Pillitteri, 2013). The aspect of bonding is yet another content to include. The nurse will ensure that she has content that provides the mother with information on how breastfeeding aids in bonding with the baby. The second objective in teaching on breastfeeding is to educate on benefits of breastfeeding to the mother. Thus, the content must contain the economics of breastfeeding that explains ways in which breastfeeding helps save the mother money. The content must also have some information on how breastfeeding helps the mother lose postpartum weight and helps her uterus return to its original size. The last objective for the breastfeeding lesson is to educate the client on importance of exclusive breastfeeding. Thus, the content must have infor mation about the kinds of diseases exclusive breastfeeding protects the baby from having.Another health education need is teaching the client about pregnancy. One of the objectives for this lesson would be "how to take care of oneself during pregnancyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã . The nurse must hence include content on good nutrition i.e. the kinds of foods to take and the ones to avoid for both the nourishment of the baby and mother (Pillitteri, 2013). There should also be content about the kinds of physical exercises to engage in to help ease the discomfort that comes with pregnancy. Another objective for this class would be how to prepare for birth. The content must contain the process of labor and birth the various medical procedures that can be applied to deliver the baby. The nurse must also remember to include content on childbirth preparation.The client needs to be counseled as well due to the breakup. The objective of this education would be to improve the mental well-being of the client. The nurse must therefore include content that provides the patient with solutions/tips on how to deal with the breakup. For instance, she can provide the client with various steps to follow in order to deal with the breakup to help her heal completely and hence enable her focus on her well-being and that of her baby.The last health education need for the patient is to change her perception of breastfeeding. Therefore, when teaching about attitude change towards breastfeeding, one of the objectives may be providing information about breastfeeding in order to influence attitude change. This means that the nurse must include content that shows the importance of breastfeeding such as the one discussed above so as to help change the negative attitude the client has towards breastfeeding. The nurse must also provide some strong evidence of how breastfeeding has helped mothers and their babies.Two teaching strategies for each health education need that have been identified in numbers 3 and 4 that would be utilized to teach the client the required content Prenatal Teaching Plan Research Paper - 1375 Words Prenatal Teaching Plan (Research Paper Sample) Content: Prenatal Teaching PlanNameInstitutionA description of the clients stage of growth and development using one developmental theoryThe client is a teenager. According to Ericksonà ¢Ã¢â ¬s psychosocial stages of development, this client is in the adolescentà ¢Ã¢â ¬s stage. The basic conflict in this stage is identity vs. role confusion. This means that during this stage, the adolescent is trying to determine her identity and direction in life. The adolescent may either gain a sense of identity or remain confused about her roles in life depending on the reinforcements given (Shaffer Kipp, 2010). During this stage of development, the adolescent is freshly concerned with how she appears to others and this may affect her behaviors.Being an adolescent also means that the client is constantly confronted by the need to set boundaries for herself and to accomplish this in the face of a regular world that is hostile. This may prove to be challenging since she may find herself being asked to commit to some things before she develops any particular identity roles. Thus, she may be described to be in a state of identity confusion. However, society normally provides allowances for people at this age to find themselves and this state is referred to as moratorium. The role of confusion in the client is depicted with the reluctance to commit as this may haunt her in future years. Erickson believes that given the right conditions, moratorium gives the teenager enough space and time to freely experiment and explore and eventually have a firm sense of identity, an emotional and deep awareness of who she is (Newman Newman, 2012).Information in the case study that would impact the clientà ¢Ã¢â ¬s readiness to learnFrom the case study, the clientà ¢Ã¢â ¬s developmental stage would definitely affect her readiness to learn. Young adults have limited past experiences compared to older adults. Therefore, older adults would be more willing to learn si nce they are able to relate with previous knowledge. The client, being a teenager may be disinterested in learning since she may have nothing to relate to. The emotional health of the patient would also affect her readiness to learn. The patient broke up with her boyfriend and she may be under stress as now she is tasked with the responsibility of taking care of their baby on her own. Thus, she will probably be more willing to learn so as to get help on how to take care of this baby alone. The education level of the client is also important. The client is in grade 11 meaning that she has some intellectual ability and hence can learn. Perception is also noted. The client expresses disgust at the mention of breastfeeding. This will likely affect her readiness to learn about the issue of breastfeeding.Two priority health education needs that address the clientà ¢Ã¢â ¬s cognitive domainOne of the priority health education need for this client is providing her with knowledge and information about breastfeeding. Probably, the client lacks knowledge about breastfeeding and that is why she expresses disgust when it is mentioned. The information provided to her will go a long way in enabling her to learn about the importance of breastfeeding to her as a mother and her child. The other priority health education need for this client is to provide her with information about pregnancy in general and how to take care of herself. The client is a teenager and this being her first pregnancy; she needs to be prepared with such kind of information.Two priority health education needs that address the clientà ¢Ã¢â ¬s affective domainOne of the priority health education need for the client is to counsel her on overcoming the heartbreak she is going through. This heartbreak can clearly affect her emotional status and expose her to the risk of depression (Nevid, 2013). Addressing this issue through counseling will hence go a long way in helping improve her emotio nal status. Another priority health education need is attitude change. This education will aim at influencing the client to change the negative attitude she has towards breast feeding and thus, enable her to accept that breast feeding is part and parcel of raising a healthy baby.Appropriate educational content that would address which health education needs to teach with evidence from the literatureThe education content to be taught to this client is determined by objectives of the education. As discussed earlier in the paper, one of the health education needs for this patient is breastfeeding. One of the objectives of teaching on breastfeeding is to educate the client on benefits of breastfeeding to the baby. This means that the nurse must include content about the essential nutrients that breastfeeding provides the baby. The content can thus include a list of nutrients that the baby gets from breast milk and how these nutrients help in proper growth and development of the ba by. The nurse must also include content about the immunological effect that breastfeeding has on the baby. For instance, the nurse will mention colostrum and the various antibodies it provides the baby to fight against infections (Pillitteri, 2013). The aspect of bonding is yet another content to include. The nurse will ensure that she has content that provides the mother with information on how breastfeeding aids in bonding with the baby. The second objective in teaching on breastfeeding is to educate on benefits of breastfeeding to the mother. Thus, the content must contain the economics of breastfeeding that explains ways in which breastfeeding helps save the mother money. The content must also have some information on how breastfeeding helps the mother lose postpartum weight and helps her uterus return to its original size. The last objective for the breastfeeding lesson is to educate the client on importance of exclusive breastfeeding. Thus, the content must have infor mation about the kinds of diseases exclusive breastfeeding protects the baby from having.Another health education need is teaching the client about pregnancy. One of the objectives for this lesson would be "how to take care of oneself during pregnancyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã . The nurse must hence include content on good nutrition i.e. the kinds of foods to take and the ones to avoid for both the nourishment of the baby and mother (Pillitteri, 2013). There should also be content about the kinds of physical exercises to engage in to help ease the discomfort that comes with pregnancy. Another objective for this class would be how to prepare for birth. The content must contain the process of labor and birth the various medical procedures that can be applied to deliver the baby. The nurse must also remember to include content on childbirth preparation.The client needs to be counseled as well due to the breakup. The objective of this education would be to improve the mental well-being of the client. The nurse must therefore include content that provides the patient with solutions/tips on how to deal with the breakup. For instance, she can provide the client with various steps to follow in order to deal with the breakup to help her heal completely and hence enable her focus on her well-being and that of her baby.The last health education need for the patient is to change her perception of breastfeeding. Therefore, when teaching about attitude change towards breastfeeding, one of the objectives may be providing information about breastfeeding in order to influence attitude change. This means that the nurse must include content that shows the importance of breastfeeding such as the one discussed above so as to help change the negative attitude the client has towards breastfeeding. The nurse must also provide some strong evidence of how breastfeeding has helped mothers and their babies.Two teaching strategies for each health education need that have been identified in numbers 3 and 4 that would be utilized to teach the client the required content
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